WR26600-Product Technical Specification-Sulfur Dioxide Lithium Battery ( Li/SO2 )


Table of Contents



1. Scope of application

The technical specifications of this product are applicable to the WR26600 lithium sulfur dioxide battery manufactured by Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Cns Energy), which specifies the performance indicators, testing methods, and precautions for use of  the product.



2. Product type

Lithium sulfur dioxide battery

3、基本特性 Basic characteristics

序号Serial #项目Items特  性Product features备  注Remarks
3.1型 号ModelWR26600卷绕式、镀镍冷轧钢壳、全密封结构电池Coiled, nickel plated cold-rolled steel shell, fully sealed structure battery
3.2标称电压Nominal Voltage2.9V 
3.3标称容量Nominal Capacity4500mAh(23±3)℃,500mA, 2.0V终止
3.4最大连续放电电流Maximum continuous discharge current1000mA 
3.5最大脉冲放电电流Maximum pulse discharge current2000 mA 
3.6工作温度Operation temperature-40℃~60℃ 
3.7最大外形尺寸Maximum external dimensionsH60.5mm×Φ26.2mm 
3.8参考重量Reference weight60g 
3.9平均年自放电率Average annual self discharge rate≤2%(23±3)℃、RH(60±15)%条件下Conditions:(23±3)℃,RH(60±15)%
3.10储存寿命Storage life5年5 years 


4. Appearance and Structure

4.1 外观


4.1 Appearance

The battery marking is intact, with no exposed metal in the area covered by the trademark, and no detachment, scratches, expansion, deformation, corrosion, rust, or leakage of any components.

4.2 结构



4.2 Structure

The WR26600 single cell battery adopts a fully sealed packaging process to ensure its good sealing performance. The positive and negative poles of the battery can be led out through soldering, leads, sockets, and other methods to facilitate user use.

This model of battery is protected by a safety discharge device. In order to further improve the safety of the battery, this model of battery is equipped with PTC safety protection device.


5. Battery performance, safety, and environmental adaptability testing

5.1 外观与尺寸检验



5.1 Appearance and Dimensional Inspection

Visually inspect the appearance of the battery. The appearance of the battery should be clean, with clear markings, no scratches or deformations, no rust, and no leakage. Test Level II, AQL value is 1.0.

Use a vernier caliper (accuracy 0.02mm) to measure the external dimensions of the battery, and ensure that all dimensions of the battery meet the requirements. Inspection level S-1, AQL value is 1.0.

5.2 电池性能测试

5.2 Battery performance testing

5.2.1 电性能典型值

5.2.1 Typical values of electrical performance

项  目Items测试条件及方法Testing conditions and methods标称值Nominal value
开路电压Open circuit voltage(23±3)℃,使用数字电压表测量(23 ± 3) ℃, measured using a digital voltmeter2.9V~3.0V
负载电压Load voltage(23±3)℃,1000mA,5s内,使用数字电压表测量(23 ± 3) ℃, measured using a digital voltmeter≥2.0V
放电容量1Discharge capacity 1(23±3)℃,100mA, 2.0V终止Termination at (23 ± 3) ℃, 100mA, 2.0V5000mAh/50h

5.2.2 电池电压判定依据


5.2.2 Basis for determining battery voltage

The open circuit voltage and load voltage of the battery shall be inspected according to the sampling plan specified in GB2828.1.2.12. Test Level II, AQL value is 0.065. Or mutually negotiate with the customer to determine.

5.2.3 电池容量判定依据




5.2.3 Basis for determining battery capacity

When the average discharge capacity of the battery is not lower than the specified nominal discharge capacity, and the number of batteries that are 90% lower than the nominal value is 0, the battery capacity is judged to be qualified.

When the average discharge capacity of the battery is lower than the specified discharge capacity nominal value, or when the number of batteries that are 90% lower than the nominal value is greater than 0, re sample for testing; If the average discharge capacity of the battery is not lower than the specified discharge capacity nominal value, and the number of batteries that are 90% lower than the nominal value is 0, the battery capacity is judged to be qualified.

If the average discharge capacity of the battery in the second test is lower than the specified discharge capacity nominal value, or if the number of batteries that are 90% lower than the nominal value is greater than 0, the battery capacity is judged to be unqualified.

5.3 安全性能

5.3 Safety Performance

5.3.1 外部短路

电池正、负极采用阻值 < 0.1Ω的导线短接,直至电池完全放电,或壳体温度重新降至室温停止,观察实验结果。


5.3.1 External short circuit

The positive and negative electrodes of the battery are short circuited with wires with a resistance value of less than 0.1 Ω until the battery is completely discharged or the shell temperature drops back to room temperature, and the experimental results are observed.

Qualification judgment: The battery does not burn or explode, and is allowed to be discharged.

5.3.2 热滥用试验


将试验电池放入加热炉内,将炉温以5℃/min的速度升温至90 ℃,恒温2 h后,打开加热炉观察电池加热结果、有无异常现象;再将炉温以5℃/min的速度升温至149 ℃,恒温2 h后,待加热炉温度降至常温后取出电池观察试验结果。

合格判定 :90℃时,电池允许变形、肿胀,电池不漏液、不泄放;149℃时,电池允许从安全装置处泄放,不燃烧、不爆炸。

5.3.2 Thermal abuse test

During battery testing, first heat up to 90 ℃ and then heat up to 149 ℃.

Place the test battery into the heating furnace, raise the furnace temperature to 90 ℃ at a rate of 5 ℃/min, and maintain the constant temperature for 2 hours. Then, turn on the heating furnace and observe the heating results of the battery for any abnormalities; Then raise the furnace temperature to 149 ℃ at a rate of 5 ℃/min, maintain the temperature for 2 hours, and after the heating furnace temperature drops to room temperature, remove the battery and observe the test results.

Qualification judgment: At 90 ℃, the battery is allowed to deform and swell, and the battery does not leak or discharge; At 149 ℃, the battery is allowed to discharge from the safety device without burning or exploding.

5.4 环境适应性

5.4 Environmental adaptability

5.4.1 温度冲击试验








5.4.1 Temperature impact test

Place the battery in the test chamber and conduct the following thermal cycling test:

a) The battery is placed in the test chamber, and the temperature inside the chamber is adjusted to -40 ℃. The temperature inside the chamber reaches -40 ℃± 3 ℃ and is maintained at a constant temperature for 2 hours;

b) The battery is transferred to a test chamber with a temperature of 70 ℃± 3 ℃ within 5 minutes and kept at a constant temperature for 2 hours;

c) Repeat operations a to b, and cycle the battery temperature 4 times;

d) After the above cycle is completed, the battery should be kept at room temperature of 25 ℃± 3 ℃ for at least 2 hours;

After the experiment is completed, check the appearance and open circuit voltage.

Qualification assessment: The open circuit voltage of the battery is normal, and it does not burn, explode, or leak.

5.4.2 振动




5.4.2 Vibration

Fix the battery on the vibration platform, apply an amplitude of 0.8mm (double amplitude 1.6mm), a frequency change rate of 1Hz/min, a frequency range of (10-55) Hz, and oscillate back and forth for 95 minutes ± 5 minutes.

The battery vibrates in both axial and radial directions. After each vibration, remove the battery, inspect its appearance, and measure its open circuit voltage.

Qualification assessment: The open circuit voltage of the battery is normal, and it does not burn, explode, or leak.

5.4.3 冲击

将电池固定在冲击试验台上,冲击加速度在最初3ms内最低平均加速度达到735m/s2(75g),峰值加速度为1225 m/s2~1715 m/s2(125g~175g) 。电池应在轴向和径向两个方向各进行一次等幅冲击试验,试验结束后,测量电池开路电压,观察试验结果。


5.4.3 Impact

Fix the battery on the impact test bench, with a minimum average acceleration of 735m/s2 (75g) and a peak acceleration of 1225 m/s2 to 1715 m/s2 (125g to 175g) within the first 3ms of impact acceleration. The battery should undergo equal amplitude impact tests in both axial and radial directions. After the test is completed, measure the open circuit voltage of the battery and observe the test results.

Qualification assessment: The open circuit voltage of the battery is normal, and it does not burn, explode, or leak.

5.4.4 跌落




5.4.4 Drop test

Place the battery in the test chamber and store it at -30 ℃ and 55 ℃ for 4 hours. Within 10 minutes, drop the battery from a height of 76cm ± 5cm to a hard concrete ground, once each time, for a total of two times. The battery is cylindrical in shape, with its axis parallel to the ground.

After the experiment is completed, measure the open circuit voltage of the battery and observe the test results.

Qualification assessment: The open circuit voltage of the battery is normal, and it does not burn, explode, or leak.

5.4.5 低气压




5.4.5 Low pressure

Place the battery in a low-pressure test chamber with a pressure of 11.6kPa and a constant temperature of 25 ℃± 2 ℃, store for 6 hours, and observe the test results.

After the experiment is completed, measure the open circuit voltage of the battery and observe the test results.

Qualification assessment: The open circuit voltage of the battery is normal, and it does not burn, explode, or leak.





6. Trademarks and logos

The trademark and logo of the battery should be kept clear, not detached, and have no obvious color difference.

Trademark: The trademark of a battery includes the battery model, nominal voltage, production date code, safety warning, and other related information.

Terminal marking: marked on the side of the battery, using “+” and “-” to represent the positive and negative terminals of the battery.


7.1 使用前,不得将电池从原始包装中取出。

7.2 不要随意放置电池,防止短路。

7.3 严禁在允许的温度范围之外使用或加热。

7.4 严禁对电池进行充电、短路。

7.5 严禁与其他厂家、其他型号或其他类型电池混用。

7.6 严禁将新旧电池搭配使用,对电池进行串并联应与我公司联系。

7.7 严禁拆卸和解剖电池,严禁过放电、挤压、焚烧。

7.8 严禁将正负极与用电设备反接使用。

7.9 严禁直接在电池表面使用烙铁焊接或接触其他高温物件。

7.10 严禁将电池投入水中,或未做防护的条件下在潮湿环境中使用或储存。

7.11 严禁电池在设备中使用时未设置截止电压点的情况下过度使用,达到截止电压点后需立即从设备中拆除,防止有电流工作深度放电。当长期不用时,要将电池从设备中取出。

7.12 在使用或储存期间如发现电池有发热、散发气味、变色、变形或其他异常之处请停止使用。

7.13 使用过的电池应按照当地环保规定处理。

7.14 电池内部如有液体溅到皮肤、眼睛及衣服上,立即用大量清水冲洗,再立即就医处理。

7. Safety precautions

Before use, do not remove the battery from its original packaging.

7.2 Do not place batteries randomly to prevent short circuits.

7.3 It is strictly prohibited to use or heat outside the allowed temperature range.

7.4 It is strictly prohibited to charge or short-circuit the battery.

7.5 It is strictly prohibited to mix with batteries from other manufacturers, models, or types.

7.6 It is strictly prohibited to use new and old batteries in combination. For series or parallel connection of batteries, please contact our company.

7.7 It is strictly prohibited to disassemble and dissect batteries, and over discharge, compression, and incineration are strictly prohibited.

7.8 It is strictly prohibited to use the positive and negative poles opposite to the electrical equipment.

7.9 It is strictly prohibited to use a soldering iron directly on the surface of the battery or to come into contact with other high-temperature objects.

7.10 It is strictly prohibited to put batteries into water or use or store them in damp environments without protection.

7.11 It is strictly prohibited to overuse batteries in equipment without setting a cut-off voltage point. After reaching the cut-off voltage point, they must be immediately removed from the equipment to prevent deep discharge due to current operation. When not in use for a long time, the battery should be removed from the device.

7.12 If the battery generates heat, emits odor, changes color, deforms, or has other abnormalities during use or storage, please stop using it.

7.13 Used batteries should be disposed in accordance with local environmental regulations.

If liquid leaking from the cells gets into your eyes,or onto skins,clothes,immediately rinse with plenty of water and seek medical attention immediately.


8.1 电池应在远离静电的场所使用和储存。

8.2 电池应储存在温度不超过30℃,相对湿度45%~75%的环境中,较高的温度储存对电池容量及启动时的负载电压会有影响。

8.3 电池储存时要远离热源,也不能置于阳光直射的地方,不与腐蚀性物质接触,保证清洁、凉爽、干燥、通风,并不受气候影响。

8.4 电池的堆放高度取决于包装强度,一般规定,纸质包装箱堆放高度不得超过1.5米,木箱不超过3米。

8.5 电池以原包装存放和陈列电池,去掉包装后电池不能乱堆放,易引起电池短路和损坏。

8. Storage

8.1 Batteries should be used and stored in a place away from static electricity.

8.2 The battery should be stored in an environment with a temperature not exceeding 30 ℃ and a relative humidity of 45% to 75%. Storing at higher temperatures may affect the battery capacity and load voltage during startup.

8.3 When storing batteries, they should be kept away from heat sources and not placed in direct sunlight. They should not come into contact with corrosive substances, and should be kept clean, cool, dry, ventilated, and not affected by climate.

The stacking height of batteries depends on the packaging strength. Generally, the stacking height of paper packaging boxes should not exceed 1.5 meters, and wooden boxes should not exceed 3 meters.

8.5 Batteries should be stored and displayed in their original packaging. After removing the packaging, the batteries should not be stacked randomly, as it may cause short circuits and damage to the batteries.


9.1 电池在运输过程中,应避免日晒、火烤、雨淋、水浸及与腐蚀性物质放在一起。

9.2 运输和装卸中的冲击、震动应限制在最小程度。

9.3 对于纸质的包装箱堆放高度不得超过1.5米。

9.4 电池长途运输时,如是船运,应放在远离发动机的地方;夏季不应该长期滞留在不通风的环境内。

9. Transportation

9.1 During transportation, batteries should be protected from direct sunlight, fire, rain, water immersion, and can’t be placed together with corrosive substances.

9.2 The impact and vibration during transportation and loading/unloading should be minimized.

9.3 The stacking height of paper packaging boxes shall not exceed 1.5 meters.

When transporting batteries for long distances, such as by sea, they should be placed away from the engine; Summer should not be prolonged in an unventilated environment.



10. Usage suggestions

Batteries are suitable for use in relatively cool and shady environments. When used in high temperature and high humidity environments for a long time, their service life will decrease.


11.1 由于电压滞后为锂-二氧化硫电池的基本特性,3个月未装机的电池建议有必要进行激活处理,激活方案请咨询河南中赛能源科技有限公司。

11.2 在实际应用中,客户有责任确认和保证电池与装置的匹配性和可靠性。

11.3 在以下任何情况下,河南中赛能源科技有限公司将不承担任何责任:客户未能适当处理、操作、安装、测试、维护、检测电池,或者未能遵循本规格书提供的指示、注意事项,以及河南中赛能源科技有限公司其他的说明和建议。

11. Important Notice

11.1 Due to voltage lag being a fundamental characteristic of lithium sulfur dioxide batteries, it is recommended to activate batteries that have not been installed for 3 months. For activation plans, please consult Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

11.2 In practical applications, customers are responsible for confirming and ensuring the compatibility and reliability of batteries and devices.

11.3 In any of the following circumstances, Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd. shall not be held responsible: if the customer fails to properly handle, operate, install, test, maintain, or inspect the battery, or fails to follow the instructions and precautions provided in this specification, as well as other instructions and recommendations from Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 



12. Declaration

If you have any questions about the technical specifications of this product, please contact Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Henan Cns Energy Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify the technical specifications of this product.

附图1 电池常温(23℃)放电特性曲线图

Figure 1 Discharge characteristic curve of battery at room temperature (23 ℃) 

附图2 电池外形尺寸图

Figure 2: Outline Dimensions of the Battery 

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